Friday, March 15, 2013




I almost laughed out loud when I read the prompt.  We are not early risers here.  My husband works odd hours so we sleep in in the a.m.  But, I'm up, for the second morning in a row.  Earlier than the sun.  :-(
I'm here because we are on day two of a garage sale. 
Yesterday, I woke with the thought, "Lord, please let us survive today."
Yesterday was not restful.  I judged a homeschooling debate tournament (one round anyway) in the a.m.  We had the garage sale.  And, I started a new child birth series.  :-)  Nuts, right?
Well, no.  When God is in the middle of it, it all works together for His glory.
So, our neighbor came over to help Rick set up while I ran to the tournament.
I had lunch going in the crockpot, so, it was ready when people got hungry.
Then, the lady who was suppose to be stopping by sometime after 3 didn't make it, but that worked out to.  She came around 9 p.m. and it to worked out.
I had class.  Which is the best part of yesterday, well, it is up there anyway.  (I, also, got to see two of my doula babies.)  Even with my husband busy wrapping up the garage sale and the boys and dog running through the house.  Taking time to do what I am passionate about and tell soon-to-be mommies and daddies how to give birth without drugs helps me to relax...



  1. I actually sighed when I saw the prompt. It was late last night, and I read the prompt and turned out my light in order to rest for this new day, when I too would be up before the sun.
    Sounds like life is busy for you right now, and yet you are finding times of rest in the serving of others. Well Done!

  2. It's funny how you can find rest even in the busyness of life. Enjoyed your post. Here from FMF! Have a great weekend!
