Friday, November 9, 2012


Quiet is not something that often occurs in my world with Little Men.
However, as I tuck them in at night, I want to rush through their bedtime routines because once they are tucked in, I get to have my quiet time.  I go to my room, play on the computer for a bit to make sure they aren't going to come looking for me, and, then, I kneel by my side of the bed to pray before crawl into bed with a handful of chocolates to read my BSF notes for the week or to work on my lesson for the day.
I had a less than Christian moment with my husband's birth mom last week.  So, last nights quiet time was a little on the emotional side.  So many things that I read talk about how a Christian should interact with another Christian.  It seems few things speak to how a Christian should interact with a non-Christian.
I am to be loving toward her, I think, but often that looks like not talking because if I tell her my thoughts and then that is causing conflict and not being accepting of her choices.
However, in my silence, I stuff.  I stuff the frustration of her words and actions.  How she doesn't try to see things from my perspective.  How she is VERY materialistic and doesn't have the finances to be materialistic.
So, then, at some point, all that stuffing explodes out of me.  This time, it didn't come out nasty at her, but it didn't come out right either.  She told my mom that she believes I hate her and my whole family knows it.


  1. Family...ugh! I can so relate. Hard, but you are going to God and that is most important...give Him that relationship and lean on him for help.
