Thursday, January 17, 2013


Today is the day, 13 years ago, that I asked Jesus into my heart as Lord and Savior.  I am His cherished possession.
I spent a good portion of the last 24 hours thinking about my testimony.  I love that I can go to the moment of my salvation and look backward and see faces of people who helped me come to that moment.  Faces of girls in high school that had something different about them.  I have since ran into some of those girls and asked them if they were Christians in high school and been told, "Yes, I was.  But, I didn't know how to share my faith."
I can, also, look forward from that moment and see how much I have grown and changed.  I have become a wife, a mother, a homeschooling parent, a friend and confidant to many women, a child birth educator, and doula.  I do not believe any of these roles would be possible without God.
When people are asked to share about their moment of salvation, I really want to hear them talk about how their walk has progressed from that moment.
In thinking about my salvation, I think, maybe, I should write it all down.  In a notebook?  On the computer?  Who is going to want to read it?  Hopefully, my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.  I hope they read it and have that moment of surrender, of knowing that you are a cherished possession just the way you are.  And, be able to look back and see the faith instruments who have allowed their lives to be a testimony to a struggling soul.  And, look forward to see God their even when I stumble, misstep, sidetrack.  He is never far away.


  1. Oy! I linked it wrong! I am #4 and #142. Hopefully, 142 will link to this page instead of to Lisa-Jo's page.
    Just more proof that technology and I are not good friends!

  2. Wow, I think it would be so incredible for your grandchildren and great-grandchildren to read your story of salvation. The written words will mean so much to them! Thank you for sharing!


  3. Here from FMF. Thank you for sharing your testimony! I'm sure your family will love reading about your faith journey. I know I love hearing my grandparents talk about their journey with God, and it really encourages me.
