Friday, August 24, 2012


To join or not to join, that is the question...
I became a Christian 12 years ago.  January 17, 2000 to be exact.  So thankful the world didn't end with the millenium.
I became a member of the church I attended about a year after being saved.  My husband and I were planning our wedding.
Then, in 2007 we switched churches.  Pretty much immediately, I sought out info for becoming members.
January 1st of this year we switched churches.  I haven't really sought out info for membership.  THEN...
Our pastor stepped down a few weeks ago.  His wife contributed a lot to children's ministry.  I sort of think I should become a member to help fill the missing space.  HOWEVER, the circumstances from which our pastor stepped down leave me VERY opprehensive about becoming a member.
Part of me, actually, would like to switch churches again because of the circumstances.  But, I'm pretty sure my husband would not be thrilled with that idea and my boys, my middle child is just starting to warm-up to the new church.  I can't imagine making him try out a new church again.  So, we stay...
Do we join and fill the missing space?
Do we not join and just see what happens?
Do we switch churches?



  1. I love the questions. Those are questions we all struggle with at different times. I do know that a church is only as strong as it's members. (And the faith of it's members). I say jump in and if the change isn't good....then look on.

  2. I agree that it is so good you are seeking Him out for the answers to these questions. Change is so hard especially within the church family. If you feel Him guiding you to get involved, then I would step out and start helping. So glad you shared about this today. Blessings!

  3. I'm so sorry for the loss of your pastor. No matter the reason for him stepping down, it's never an easy thing to go through. I would commit this decision to serious prayer and maybe wait to see what interim pastor comes. If you love the people and they love you, then maybe wait and see what the Lord does. Whatever you decide, be sure you and your husband are in agreement.
